TVET Trainees In Dollow Graduate After Six -Months Training

TVET Trainees In Dollow Graduate After Six -Months Training

TVET Trainees In Dollow Graduate After Six -Months Training 1200 800 Khadija Shale

By Maslah Mumin | BORESHA Project

The undermining of blue collar jobs in our societies is a mentality borne out of a twisted notion of the role and importance of education in our societies. We have been programmed to prioritize the passing of examinations and continuous assessment tests over comprehensive learning of diverse disciplines. In addition to this, the perception of manual labor as dirty and low paying job as compared to white collar jobs has been sustained over time. However, this narrative is changing and TVETs are being embraced by many who have realized it importance especially in Somalia where the majority of the population is the youth who are eager to learn new things and contribute towards the rebuilding efforts of the country.

BORESHA held a graduation ceremony for 90 TVET trainees who had completed an intensive hands on six month Technical Vocational Education Training from Prestige College TVET Centre in Dollow, Somalia. The students had completed various courses including: Beauty and Salon, Auto Mechanics, Tye and Die and Computer studies.

All the graduates were provided with startup kits required to set up their own small businesses and on top of this they were also provided with business skills training that will enable them understand and have the capacity to operate a business. They will also be linked up with successfully businesses in the area which will further enhance their skill set.

The graduation ceremony was attended by all the relevant stakeholders including: The local authority, parents, students, religious leaders, BORESHA partners and the private sector that will in future absorb some of the graduates that have the competencies they are looking for.

‘’The role played by TVET in imparting skills to our young people and contributing to the growth of our town and country at large cannot be over emphasized, with our collaboration the Dollow TVET Centre has consistently endeavored to meet the ever changing industry dynamics, training young people and equipping them with technical and entrepreneurial skills necessary for our national development,’’ said Bisle, Dollow Social Affairs Director.   “I want to take this opportunity to thank BORESHA, my teachers and my parents for this far I have come, I have gained practical skills that will enable me to seek employment or open my own business, however I would like to request the Consortium to assist us with startup cash grants in addition to the startup kits,’’ said Mohamed, TVET graduate.

The graduation ceremony took place against a background of great expectation from the society for not only TVET centers but other higher learning institutions to provide the much needed guidance in the realization of the developmental agenda of the country at large. As a Consortium we take this opportunity to congratulate the graduates. There are some lessons learnt key among them being the diversification of the courses considering the ever changing industry dynamics. In collaboration with the local authority and other key stakeholders we are committed to increasing practical skills and capacity for the youth to bridge the demand and supply gap in the local economy in order for them to better their lives. We will continue to invest in TVETs since we believe it is one of the sure ways to secure the future of Somalia since it guarantees long term productivity and economic sustainably.
