Using Radio for Community Sensitization on COVID-19

Using Radio for Community Sensitization on COVID-19

Using Radio for Community Sensitization on COVID-19 1200 800 Khadija Shale

By Maslah Mumin | BORESHA Project

In the age of the Internet, cell phone and television, radio remains a powerful way for people to connect, learn and discuss issues important to their lives as well as coming together to solve their problems as a community. The simplicity of radio causes many to overlook its power as a communications tool. However, radio plays a powerful and life-changing role in isolated communities across the world and certainly in our areas of operation in the Horn of Africa. It provides a vehicle for true empowerment and development. Gaining access to accurate, timely, factual and consistent information as well as having an opportunity to voice opinions through call-in shows, communities can use radio to address problems and find lasting solutions. BORESHA is using this tool to reach communities in the border areas Mandera, Dollow and Dolo Ado to sensitize them on COVID-19.

COVID-19 in Mandera

The first two cases of COVID-19 in Mandera were reported on the 11th of April 2020 becoming one of the hotspot county in Kenya where movement restriction has been imposed.

Mandera County COVID-19 Taskforce which had already put in place several measures to contain the spread of the virus put the two patients in isolation at Mandera Referral Hospital and kicked off the fumigation of markets, bus stations and streets exercise as well as awareness raising campaigns.

The COVID-19 task force chaired by Deputy Governor His Excellency Mohamed Arai held a number of coordination meetings to consolidate efforts by different organization in response to COVID 19 pandemic. BORESHA together with other partners took up the awareness raising campaigns and sensitization role mainly through the radio in addition to other activities which are implemented coordination with the County government.

Tackling misinformation on COVID-19

During this dangerous time of uncertainty, misinformation and half truths about COVID-19 can cost lives. That is why the BORESHA Consortium together with other partner took the lead in spreading factual and consistent information as well as recommendations through the radio. This was prioritized in order to dispel common local myths that if not countered can have disastrous consequences while also raising the understanding of the community members on the pandemic. To this end BORESHA has crafted Several radio programmes including panel discussions with experts, talk shows where listeners can call. “All the messages are prepared in close consultation of the public health officials in order to disseminate the correct information and the preventative measures people can take to stop the spread of COVID-19” said Abdi Mohamed, BORESHA Senior Coordinator.

BORESHA has also looped in the religious leaders and elders in order to have everybody on board and for the elders to shed some light on the cultural contexts that may be avoided or enhanced to support the efforts that are aimed at minimizing the spread of COVID 19. The messages will be running for three months and will be disseminated during the primetimes especially in the evening when everybody is at home.

Joining Hands

Apart from the messages BORESHA is running in several radio stations, the radio companies have also pledged to contribute some minutes to disseminate COVID-19 messages where they will also be sharing the latest information, reliable advice and relevant stories, keeping us connected at a time of social distancing. They will be in the front line to expose and refute fake COVID-19 advice and news.
