Empowering communities in the Borderlands areas to foster peaceful coexistence and sustainable, climate-resilient livelihoods.
Funded by the European Union Trust under the broader EU’s Peaceful and Resilient Borderlands initiative, the Building Opportunities for Resilience in the Horn of Africa (BORESHA-NABAD) project’s overall objective is to empower stakeholders in the Mandera Triangle to achieve peaceful coexistence and sustainable, climate-resilient livelihoods.
Building Opportunities for Resilience in the Horn of Africa (BORESHA-NABAD) is a three-year EU-funded project that is part of the broader EU’s Peaceful and Resilient Borderlands initiative implemented in the Horn of Africa. The project aims to enhance the effectiveness of conflict prevention and mitigation, disaster risk reduction and management, and resilience-building in the borderland regions of Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia. BORESHA focuses on strengthening the resilience capacities of communities, governments, and businesses using a variety of approaches to help them withstand shocks and stresses that can exacerbate conflict and violent extremism. BORESHA-NABAD leverages the experiences and lessons learned from past EU Trust Fund (Collaboration in Cross Border Areas of the Horn of Africa) projects, including BORESHA I, II, III, and RASMI, to maximise its impact.

Overall Programme Objective
Stakeholders in the Mandera Triangle are empowered to enable peaceful coexistence and sustainable and climate-resilient livelihoods.
Specific Objectives
- Disaster risk reduction and conflict prevention capacities of cross-border stakeholders and communities are strengthened.
- Peacebuilding is enhanced through stronger linkages between communities and local, national, and regional authorities.
- Women and youth in marginalised borderland communities have improved access to income-generation opportunities.
- Borderland communities are better able to adapt their livelihoods to climate change and environmental degradation.

Our Key Strategies to Achieve Results
- Inclusive Market Systems: We support the development of inclusive market systems by enhancing the functioning of government and business-to-business governance structures. This approach ensures that all community members, especially the most vulnerable, have access to sustainable economic opportunities.
- Climate-Smart Agriculture: We promote the adoption of adaptive climate-smart agro-pastoral techniques to help communities transition to climate-resilient income-generation activities. This secures their livelihoods and enhances their resilience against environmental shocks.
- Water Resource Management: We improve access to water supply, irrigation schemes, and water conservation infrastructure, which are vital to the livelihoods of the population in the borderland regions. We support the communities in managing their water resources effectively to sustain their agricultural and household needs.
- Natural Resource Management: We enable communities to implement measures to combat desertification, restore degraded rangelands, and encourage the preservation of soil health and tree planting. Our initiatives focus on strengthening natural resource management and ensuring the conservation of these vital ecosystems for future generations.